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Writer's pictureCarol Williard van Ginkel

Happy Thanksgiving!

It has been said that you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.  Most folks think that the opposite of addiction is abstinence and in many ways that is correct. But in the field of addiction many professionals will tell you that the opposite of addiction is gratitude. You see, recovery is about what you choose to focus on: either the glass half-empty, or the glass half-full. 

Now, when the glass is half-empty, what kills recovery is not being in the present, projecting negativity about not being with the substance they crave more than life itself.  While going through withdrawal the internal dialogue goes something like this: “I wish I could smoke/vape!  I just need one hit.  Just one, and then I wouldn’t do it again.  It’s terrible wanting it so bad!  I wish I could, but I dare not. I have to keep this up because I don’t have a choice. This is no fun! I FEEL SO MISERABLE” 


This person has very little chance of success because they have no agency in the process. They are a victim of their own choices and unaware they are setting themselves up to go back.


When the glass is half full, what encourages recovery is gratitude.  The half-full person is affirming in the present moment the freedom they are currently enjoying in exchange for the discomfort they are choosing to undergo.  The internal dialogue is something like this: “Wow, I sure am uncomfortable, as I suppose I should be after all those years of smoking/vaping. But this discomfort is a sign the toxins are leaving my body, and by not fighting the discomfort, it finally goes away, and that’s a good thing. Sure, urges will come and go, but right now I know I don’t have to smoke/vape to be the whole person I want to experience without nicotine. So I am GRATEFUL for the chance to get out from under this vice, once and for all. FREEDOM IS MINE! " 


Which track would you like to take? 

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